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What is that?

A lot times users asked about Vector primitives in PSS. But it looks like if vector engin will be included to the program it will be not soon. So that was really handy that one of PSS user in dicord proposed really clever idea, about using Text tool to include inside it vector shapes.

I've checked this idea and it works :D So now technically we have ability to use vector shapes in PSS in this workaround way.
That's why I did this primitives toolkit. I've tried cover most possible forms. Maybe someone will found it useful. So in case if you will need put some complex form, and you don't have other vector software to do it, or don't familier with it or have no time to create it there, you can use Text tool and choose one of preset I did from this font. Also I decide to add humans, just on case if need briefly put them on the picture to get fast scale representation of enviroment/landscape.

So, in general it's not too much far from all similar predefined vertor tools that exist in drawing programs. Only that you should always resterize text after find scale you need (for sure you can leave as text too and work with it), and another thing that in this approach you don't see at once forms.

To see which hotkey binded for wich group of forms, watch 'Hotkeys map' image above. Forms I decided to put from most simple and usable to more complex and rare in work, imho. But you always can reassign them if you want. Check instrucions bellow.

How to install?

[WIN] Just drag and drop TTF font file into this folder: C:\Windows\Fonts

[MAC] As far I understood, something similar should be for Mac OS, but with it's own specific (can't really check). Also can't check if Mac allow to install this font. Because it's not done accurete with all standarts. Check it

[LINUX] Unfortunately for Limux users, as far I understood it's not work, just because text tool not work there, and PSS always fall. But it's happen to one user, so check if text tool work at all. If it does, then approach probably should be same as put it to special font folder.

How to use it?

Run Paintstorm Studio, then select text tool. Put text size to some not too much big [around 100px]. Choose from the list of all fonts named PSS_VECTOR_SHAPES_TOOLKIT. Then If you remember where are located special shape you type the letter bindid to it. If not, then type all keys that you saw on preview above and find what you need. Then remove all "letters" except ONLY ONE where the shape you need located and scale it to the size you need for work. And finaly go to Layer panel, select this text layer and choose Resterize text. That's it

⚠ BEWARE: Try to avoid scale text symbole more then 14 000 pixels. Because PSS crash (or show text with glithces). Probably it depends on PC hardware and for someone it will be more, for some less than this. So you can try and experiment with one big square canvas size to scale it maximum. When I crated this pack I mostly oriented to my own 3840x2160 resolution. There is it's enough to work. (Even for 5K canvases should too). So keep in mind to not too much scale it, because program might fall and you will lose time spend on work (or image). For same reason if you'll deside to create your own, try to avoide do shapes small, because you will always forget and scale it a lot in work

How to reassign hotkeys to own/own language?

I'll explain only the way I did so. Because I sure there is alternative software and ways to do so. So, okay. At first you should install FontForge software (it's free) and then open attached SFD (it's own program file) or TTF (font file). Better to open SDF because no need to scroll all symbol/gliphs to find something.

Next you should open in menu Metrics > Open metrics. It will open new window, where you should start type your own language letters. Then go to manu again and choose Encoding > Add endocing slots.. And you will get all symbols in main window table witout need manually type all of them. Also this Metric window allow you at once test all symbols in work

Next is quite simple. Just select any symbol in this main window table and copy and paste them to new symbol. That's it. Right click > clean, if you need to delete.

After that just go to Element > Information about font.. and change name at once same to all 3 collums (here is). Then go to File > Create fonts. Choose in list TrueType if it's not. And press Create button. You will see some 2 additional popup alarms about issues and errors, but just ignore them. For this purpose it's not important. And create file.

Also I did video epxlanation. Check it on preview

How to crete own shapes pack?

At first you need in some Vector software create any kind of forms and save it as SVG files. Keep in mind that TTF format bad store small details. So all forms that have thin lines might be lose them. If you do so, then better save files as only 1 shape at all glif/symbol. But even this not garantie that it will work. Also create at once square size document, then you will no need to rescase and fit it later. I'm not sure what is correct size, so I did them as 1000x1000px. Also avoide to do really small shapes for 1 keys. I did it at first because wanter to packege them logically to have more clarity and less keys used. But fast found that it need then scale a lot, that hard to remember/control, and that might lead to crash PSS if cross 14K limit. So better to do bigger shapes for key.

Install FontForge software. Run it. Press 'Create' button. Then twice tap on the any grid place. It will open new window wher eyou should press File > Import.. New pop up window will appeare. Maximize it. Then choose the path where SVG file is located. Then rescale vector foems if need using proposed by this software tools (I really not recomend go this way, so better do at once square doc for SVG). Then close this window. Repeat it till you import all SVG files and place them for all symbols you need.

Then all the same as above in for How to reassign hotkeys to own/own language?

Also I recoment to watch some tutorials about how to use FontForge just a bit. There not so much to know. So as not to get lost what to do using only my text descriptions.

How to delete it?

If you want delete old one font, or replace existed with same name. Then at first close PSS and all programs, restart PC. Then go to font folder on windows C:\Windows\Fonts and remove font. Sometimes system might use it already, so I usually in this case use this program called as Unlocker (and choose delete file for next restart) But in case If you already delete some font and still find it in PSS text tool list next time, then check this folder and remove it from there: C:\Users\%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Fonts

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[.ttf] font file
[.sfd] file to use in FontForge program
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